Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Vitamins and Supplements

I've been looking into vitamins and supplements. The more research I do, the more "things" it seems I need to get into my body. It also has become clear that the vast majority of vitamin supplements out there are not even absorbed by your body. So although you can buy vitamins for $10 a month, you're not really getting anything for your money. So I found Pure Synergy(www.thesynergycompany.com)supplements at a local Raw Food restaurant in town. I trust a Raw Food restaurant more than anyone. If someone is so into alternative eating as to risk everything and open a Raw Food restaurant, they obviously care what goes into their bodies!!! Upon researching the Pure Synergy products, I'm extremely impressed. I ordered a month's supply of Vita Synergy as well as Pure Synergy. They are whole-foods based supplements, specially processed to retain the plant value, encapsulated in a way that allows your body to absorb the nutrients properly, and organic/non-GMO (not genetically modified) and the list goes on. If you go check out the website, you will be impressed solely by the list of ingredients. Holy cow.

In the meantime, my holistic doctor recommended Juice Plus Vitamins. Conveniently, my accupuncturist also knew of them and recommended. We took those for almost a month and found them to be fine, but didn't notice any differences in energy or anything else. I find the company to be a little more commercial and they use a tiered marketing strategy, which I'm always a little leery of. Anyway - I'm still investigating, but they seem to be a good alternative and a little less pricey than the Pure Synergy lineup. The doctor said they work as a complete pre-natal vitamin too, so it replaces the need for something else if you need a prenatal.

I'll post more on my vitamin/supplement journey later - just wanted to share my findings so far!

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